O.N.E - Acta est fabula
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O.N.E - Acta est fabula

Brigata Italiana del Gruppo Militare O.N.E
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Messaggi : 133
Data d'iscrizione : 18.02.19

MessaggioTitolo: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeDom Mag 05, 2019 5:33 pm

Buongiorno ragazzi, in questi giorni ci sarà un seminario sulla navigazione fatto da un grande ONE della navigazione. Ovviamente lui scriverà in inglese e voi potrete tradurre con i sistemi a voi più congeniali. Mi raccomando ragazzi non perdete l'opportunità di partecipare e fargli delle domande. Più di lui nessuno saprà rispondervi.


Hi guys, these days there will be a seminar on navigation done by a large navigation ONE. Obviously he will write in English and you will be able to translate with the systems that are most congenial to you. I recommend you guys don't miss the opportunity to participate and ask them questions. No one will be able to answer you more than him
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MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeDom Mag 05, 2019 11:39 pm

Interessante, ma sarà scritto in inglese?
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Messaggi : 133
Data d'iscrizione : 18.02.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeDom Mag 05, 2019 11:41 pm

Si. E voi intervenite sia in italiano per gli italici che in inglese per il nostro ospite.

Yes. And you will speak both in Italian for Italians and in English for our guest.
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MessaggioTitolo: First lesson   SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeLun Mag 06, 2019 11:41 am

Good morning,

First of all i want to say sorry for not writing this in italian but i dont know a word of it also my english is not great either, so if you dont understand something or if its confusing to you fell free to ask and i will give my best to explain it.

I will post here a few posts that will contein some basics of navy in RK, it will be in few post so you are not overwhelmed with informations.

So lets start with "short" introduction of myself.

Most of you dont know me but those that do know me under name of ImmortalOne, i started playing with O.N.E. around 2-3 years ago as son of Lord commander Toskic i was asigned as crew of Battleship on trade mission to Esztergom after that i was given to try to sail it back to Smederevo then i was given barge that i would drive for few months up and down the river moving people and resources. Later on i would go as captain of battleship to attack Adriatic League (we lost that fight and i died). Later on i would be part of attacks on Greece, Turkey, Bosnian port on danube and Alexandria (i was commanding some of those battles). Later on i would join La Banda for 3-4 months doing piracy around Spain and Italy. Now i sit on position of Admiral of O.N.E. commanding fleet of O.N.E. Rolay navy of Valahia (same thing) and ships of allys mostly Serbian friends. I dont consider my self as best Captain/Admiral but i know few things and i belive there is always place to improve and learn new things especialy from mistakes you or someone else makes.


It will be about basics of the ships.

It this game there is a bounch of ships that exist and could be made in difrent ports.
And they are: Barge, Failed hulk, cog, battle cog, Carrack, Battle Carrack, Genovese ship and Genovese warship.

Thats a lot of difrent typs of ships but there are 4 ship typs that are mostly used and those are

Barge (chiatta)
Genovese (galea genovese)
Carrack (caracca commerciale)
Battlecarrack (caracca da guerra)

Now you wonder what is difrence in those ships?
So every ship have some properties and those are:

Life points / Health point (HP) - are number of points that ship can lose before it got sunk
Battle points - number of HP that can damage other ships (will be expained in details in later posts)
Crew - number of people that are needed for ship to move with full potentional (captain is not counted in this number)
Space - total number of people on the ship
Load - max load of items you can have on ship (ship inventory, crew private inventory and grants)
Type of sails - depending on the type ship will be good for sailing river or open sea (we will just use river or sea its much simpler then using square (river) and latten (sea))

So lets go and check how our 4 main typs of ships are with those properties:


Life points: 5
Battle points: 0
Crew: 1
Space: 8
Load: 6000
Sails: River


Life points: 15
Battle points: 1
Crew: 2
Space: 10
Load: 12000
Sails: Sea


Life points: 25
Battle points: 2
Crew: 5
Space: 24
Load: 48000
Sails: Sea

Battle Carrack

Life points: 40
Battle points: 17
Crew: 8
Space: 10
Load: 24000
Sails: Sea

General use of those ship
Barge - used to move resources and people on river (there is no faster ship on river then barge and there is no shame sailing one)
Genovese - used for trade on open sea and as scout ship in combat
Carrack - used to move big amount of people and/or resources, can be used to move armys
Battle Carrack - used for sinking other ships have best HP and best Attack points

We will go more in depth on this when we go over moving of a ship and naval combat.

Next lesson will be about Ports and their interactions with ships.

I think this is enought for one post,
If there is any questions fell free to ask them.

Sprunk ci tradurrà tutto in italiano entro sera. Intanto ho aggiunto i nomi delle navi che google non traduce bene. Grazie Immortalone

Sprunk will translate everything into Italian by evening. Meanwhile I added the names of the ships that google doesn't translate well. Thanks Immortalone

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Messaggi : 10
Data d'iscrizione : 05.05.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeLun Mag 06, 2019 1:37 pm

Hello! It's an honor for all of us meett you and be teached in the old art of the navigation. I want to say thanks first of all for the time that you are spendin in this seminar for our formation Smile
First question: what is the differenze between river, open sea sails and the square/lattern sails?

Salve! è un onore per noi incontrarti ed essere addestrati nell'antica arte della navigazione. Vorrei ringraziarti prima di tutto per il tempo che stai dedicando a questo seminario per la nostra formazione Smile
Prima domanda: quale è la differenza tra i tipi di vele?
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Messaggi : 42
Data d'iscrizione : 23.09.18

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeLun Mag 06, 2019 2:13 pm

Good morning Sir! First of all, thank you .... for the moment I read, if later I will have questions I will intervene.

Buon giorno! Prima di tutto, grazie....per il momento leggo, se in seguito avrò domande interverrò.
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Messaggi : 53
Data d'iscrizione : 04.01.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeLun Mag 06, 2019 5:20 pm

Traduzione in italiano del seguente messaggio di ImmortalOne

Italian translation of the following message from immortalOne
Immo ha scritto:
Good morning,

First of all i want to say sorry for not writing this in italian but i dont know a word of it also my english is not great either, so if you dont understand something or if its confusing to you fell free to ask and i will give my best to explain it.

I will post here a few posts that will contein some basics of navy in RK, it will be in few post so you are not overwhelmed with informations.

So lets start with "short" introduction of myself.

Most of you dont know me but those that do know me under name of ImmortalOne, i started playing with O.N.E. around 2-3 years ago as son of Lord commander Toskic i was asigned as crew of Battleship on trade mission to Esztergom after that i was given to try to sail it back to Smederevo then i was given barge that i would drive for few months up and down the river moving people and resources. Later on i would go as captain of battleship to attack Adriatic League (we lost that fight and i died). Later on i would be part of attacks on Greece, Turkey, Bosnian port on danube and Alexandria (i was commanding some of those battles). Later on i would join La Banda for 3-4 months doing piracy around Spain and Italy. Now i sit on position of Admiral of O.N.E. commanding fleet of O.N.E. Rolay navy of Valahia (same thing) and ships of allys mostly Serbian friends. I dont consider my self as best Captain/Admiral but i know few things and i belive there is always place to improve and learn new things especialy from mistakes you or someone else makes.


It will be about basics of the ships.

It this game there is a bounch of ships that exist and could be made in difrent ports.
And they are: Barge, Failed hulk, cog, battle cog, Carrack, Battle Carrack, Genovese ship and Genovese warship.

Thats a lot of difrent typs of ships but there are 4 ship typs that are mostly used and those are


Now you wonder what is difrence in those ships?
So every ship have some properties and those are:

Life points / Health point (HP) - are number of points that ship can lose before it got sunk
Battle points - number of HP that can damage other ships (will be expained in details in later posts)
Crew - number of people that are needed for ship to move with full potentional (captain is not counted in this number)
Space - total number of people on the ship
Load - max load of items you can have on ship (ship inventory, crew private inventory and grants)
Type of sails - depending on the type ship will be good for sailing river or open sea (we will just use river or sea its much simpler then using square (river) and latten (sea))

So lets go and check how our 4 main typs of ships are with those properties:


Life points: 5
Battle points: 0
Crew: 1
Space: 8
Load: 6000
Sails: River


Life points: 15
Battle points: 1
Crew: 2
Space: 10
Load: 12000
Sails: Sea


Life points: 25
Battle points: 2
Crew: 5
Space: 24
Load: 48000
Sails: Sea

Battle Carrack

Life points: 40
Battle points: 17
Crew: 8
Space: 10
Load: 24000
Sails: Sea

General use of those ship
Barge - used to move resources and people on river (there is no faster ship on river then barge and there is no shame sailing one)
Genovese - used for trade on open sea and as scout ship in combat
Carrack - used to move big amount of people and/or resources, can be used to move armys
Battle Carrack - used for sinking other ships have best HP and best Attack points

We will go more in depth on this when we go over moving of a ship and naval combat.

Next lesson will be about Ports and their interactions with ships.

I think this is enought for one post,
If there is any questions fell free to ask them.

Inanzitutto voglio scusarmi per non stare scrivendo anche in italiano ma non conosco neanche una parola e neppure il mio inglese  è il massimo,
quindi se non capite qualcosa o se è scritto in modo confuso sentitevi liberi di chiedere e cercherò di spiegarmi al meglio.

Scriverò qui alcuni post contenenti alcune basi della navigazione sui Regni Rinascimentali, saranno pochi contenuti così da non sovraccaricarvi di informazioni.

Detto ciò, iniziamo con una mia "breve" introduzione.

La maggior parte di voi non mi conosce ma chi mi conosce sa che, col nome ImmortalOne, ho iniziato a giocare assieme agli O.N.E. circa 2-3 anni fa come figlio del Lord comandante Toskic.
Fui assegnato come membro dell'equipaggio di una nave da guerra in missione commercale verso Esztergom e successivo rientro verso Smederevo.
Successivamente mi fu affidata una chiatta che ho pilotato per alcuni mesi su e giù lungo il fiume spostando persone e risorse.
Più tardi fui capitano della nave da guerra adibita all'attacco della Lega Adriatica (abbiamo perso quella battaglia e sono morto).
Dopodichè ho preso parte ad attacchi in Grecia, Turchia, porti bosniaci sul Danubio ed Alexandria (ero comandante in alcune di queste battaglie).
In seguito, mi sono unito a "La Banda" per 3-4 mesi facendo pirateria tra Spagnia ed Italia.
Al momento sono in posizione di Ammiraglio di O.N.E. e comando la flotta "O.N.E. Rolay navy of Valahia (same thing)" e navi alleate (prevalentemente amici Serbi).
Non mi considero il miglior capirano/ammiraglio ma conosco alcune cose e credo che ci sia sempre spazio per migliorarsi ed imparare nuove cose specialmente da errori propri o commessi da altri.


Parliamo delle basi delle navi.

In questo gioco ci sono un po' di navi che esistono e possono essere costruite in diversi porti.
Si tratta di: Chiatte, Galeotte, Galee genovesi, Cocche mercantili, Galee genovesi da combattimento, Cocche da guerra, Caracche commerciali e Caracche da guerra.

Sono molte tipologie diverse di navi ma ce ne sono 4 in particolare che sono maggiormente utilizzate e sono

Galee genovesi
Caracche commerciali
caracche da guerra

Vi chiedete che differenze ci siano tra queste navi?
ogni nave ha diverse proprietà:

Punti Vita / Punti Salute (HP) - Sono i punti che la nave può perdere prima di affondare
Punti battaglia - Numero di punti danno che la nave può infliggere ad altre navi (verrà spiegato meglio in post successivi)
Equipaggio - Numero di persone che occorrono alla nave per potersi muovere a pieno potenziale (il capitano non è conteggiato in questo numero)
Spazio - Numero totale di persone nella nave
carico - Massimo carico di peso degli oggetto che possono stare in nave (Inventario della nave, Inventario personale dei membri degli equipaggi e mandati)
Tipo di vele - Dal tipo di vele dipende se la nave sarà più o meno buona per la navigazione in fiume od in mare aperto (Per adesso chiamiamole da mare/da fiume è confonde meno le idee tra vele latine e vele quadrate)

Andiamo avanti e controlliamo che suddette proprietà hanno le nostre 4 tipologie principali di navi:


Punti vita: 5
Punti battaglia: 0
Equipaggio: 1
Spazio: 8
Carico: 6000
Vele: Fiume

Galee genovesi

Punti vita: 15
Punti battaglia: 1
Equipaggio: 2
Spazio: 10
Carico: 12000
Vele: Mare

Caracche commerciali

Punti vita: 25
Punti battaglia: 2
Equipaggio: 5
Spazio: 24
Carico: 48000
Vele: Mare

Caracche da guerra

Punti vita: 40
Punti battaglia: 17
Equipaggio: 8
Spazio: 10
Carico: 24000
Vele: Mare

Utilizzi generali delle navi
Chiatte - usata per spostare risorse e persone nei fiumi (non esiste imbarcazione più veloce delle chiatte nei fiumi e non c'è alcuna vergogna ad imbarcarcisi)
Galee genovesi - Usate per commerciare in mare aperto e come navi di supporto in combattimento
Caracche commerciali - Usate per muovere grandi quantità di persone e/o risorse, può essere usata per muovere eserciti
Caracche da guerra - Usate per affondare altre navi, sono le migliori in quanto a punti vita e punti battaglia

Andremo più a fondo sull'argomento quando parleremo di combattimento navale.

La prossima lezione riguarderà i porti e le loro relative interazioni con le navi.

Penso che sia abbastanza per un singolo post,
Se ci sono domande sentitevi liberi di chiedere.
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Messaggi : 96
Data d'iscrizione : 05.01.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeLun Mag 06, 2019 6:12 pm

Thanks for taking the time to us.I have a question.
-Do the crew and space add up? Thanks

Grazie per il tempo dedicatoci. Ho una domanda da porti.
-L'equipaggio e lo spazio, si sommano? Grazie
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MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeLun Mag 06, 2019 9:01 pm

Thank you so mutch for these lessons, it's a pleasure to learn all about navigation.

I have a question about space and crew of the ships.

You had told that in crew number is not included the captain, I make an example:


Crew: 1
Space: 8

Does it  means on a barge we could find 10 people?
1 captain+ 1crew + 8 passengers is it correct?

Grazie molte per queste lezioni, è un piacere imparare tutto sulla navigazione.

Ho una domanda riguardo lo spazio e l'equipaggio.

Lei ha detto che l'equipaggio non include il capitano, faccio un esempio:

equipaggio 1
spazio 8
questo significa che su una chiatta possiamo trovare 10 persone?
1 capitano +1 equipaggio + 8 passeggeri è giusto?
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MessaggioTitolo: Lesson two   SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMar Mag 07, 2019 9:34 am

Good morning,

I am glad many people are intrested into this and not shy to ask questions.

Lets answer some of them:

1. question: what is the differenze between river, open sea sails and the square/lattern sails?

Names of sails dont exist in game you will never see that information, you should just remember that Barge (chiatta) is for moving on river rest of them are for open sea (you will understand more about it when we talk about movment of ships)

2. question: Do the crew and space add up?

No, space is maximum number of people on the ship, you cant get more people on it.

Does it  means on a barge we could find 10 people?
1 captain+ 1crew + 8 passengers is it correct?

No, lets say we talk about barge,

Barge have space of 8 and it need crew of 1 and ofc captain.
So you have 8 space - 1 captain - 1 crew = and you are left with 6 space for passangers.

This is most important when we talk about Battle Carrack because it have 10 space but for it to be operative 100% need 8 crew.
So you have 10 space - 1 captain -8 crew = you only have space left for 1 person more.

I hope this is clear at the moment?


Ports are only places where ships can dock and get people off/on ship and its place where ships are built.
Port is controled by PORT MASTER/HARBOUR MASTER (in future HM) who is set on that position by council of country that port belong too.

Not all the ports are same they are difrence in level of port.
There is 4 levels of ports and those are:

Level 1: Natural Port

Can hold 2 ships. No construction capacity.

Level 2: Small port

Can host 4 ships; contains a construction site (small ships)

Level 3: Naval site

Can host 7 ships; contains 3 construction sites (merchant ships)

Level 4: Naval Shipyard

Can host 10 ships; contains 5 construction sites (warships)

Most of the ports can spend some resources to build additional space in port to let more ships dock at same time.
And there are luxury dock that were added when clans did it allow captain with big enought influence to dock on them (bonus space).

Important to notice is that even if port have 10 wet docks and 5 dry docks/construction sites port cant have 15 ships in at the same time, only 10 because that is max number for level 4 port.
Example: Cant have 10 in wet 5 on dry but it can have 5 wet and 5 dry or 10 wet.


When ships come on port, captain can go to tab "communication with port" (we will go about all options in helm of the ship in seperate lesson) and there will be 2 options:

1. Ask for docking permission

By clicking this captain will send request to HM to dock his ship
When/if HM accept it captain will have option to dock the ship in wet dock of the port.

2. Force dock

By clicking this captain will dock his ship without permission of HM and ship will incounter port deffences.

Also dry dock is safe place for ships, other ships cant attack you and you can repair your HP in them, also people on land cant see your ship in port if its on dry dock and no one cant enter it but people can get off it.

To move to dry dock you need to be in wet one first then sending request for repairs to HM, when HM accept you can move your ship to dry dock.
But getting it back to wet docks need to be done by HM.


Every port depending on level have cannons to defend from other ships.

Ports can only damage ships if they force dock

Port damage = (lvl of the port + 1) * 3 cannons * 0.66 damages

Level 1 = 6 x .66 = 3.96 (4)
Level 2 = 9 x .66 = 5.94 (6)
Level 3 = 12 x .66 = 7.92 (8 )
Level 4 = 15 x .66 = 9.90 (10)

Damage it will deal to ship that is forcing a dock is mostly luck of captain even if here say level 3 deal 8 HP it can do 4 and even barge can survive but it have low chance of happening.

More about damage in lesson about combat.

Next lesson will be about ship movment on opean sea and rivers. (sadly i cant do it right now because i am on my rl job and i dont have pictures to show you as examples so you can understand batter but i will try to do it tonight if my free time allows it)

Some future lessons will be about ship helm, basic naval combat, what make good captain and some navy organizations.
Also i wont speak about many tricks that are used in navy because you will get confused rly fast i will save that for advanced navy.

Hope all of you are having great day!
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Messaggi : 53
Data d'iscrizione : 04.01.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMar Mag 07, 2019 11:49 am

Traduzione in italiano del seguente messaggio di ImmortalOne

Italian translation of the following message from ImmortalOne
Immo ha scritto:
Good morning,

I am glad many people are intrested into this and not shy to ask questions.

Lets answer some of them:

1. question: what is the differenze between river, open sea sails and the square/lattern sails?

Names of sails dont exist in game you will never see that information, you should just remember that Barge (chiatta) is for moving on river rest of them are for open sea (you will understand more about it when we talk about movment of ships)

2. question: Do the crew and space add up?

No, space is maximum number of people on the ship, you cant get more people on it.

Does it  means on a barge we could find 10 people?
1 captain+ 1crew + 8 passengers is it correct?

No, lets say we talk about barge,

Barge have space of 8 and it need crew of 1 and ofc captain.
So you have 8 space - 1 captain - 1 crew = and you are left with 6 space for passangers.

This is most important when we talk about Battle Carrack because it have 10 space but for it to be operative 100% need 8 crew.
So you have 10 space - 1 captain -8 crew = you only have space left for 1 person more.

I hope this is clear at the moment?


Ports are only places where ships can dock and get people off/on ship and its place where ships are built.
Port is controled by PORT MASTER/HARBOUR MASTER (in future HM) who is set on that position by council of country that port belong too.

Not all the ports are same they are difrence in level of port.
There is 4 levels of ports and those are:

Level 1: Natural Port

Can hold 2 ships. No construction capacity.

Level 2: Small port

Can host 4 ships; contains a construction site (small ships)

Level 3: Naval site

Can host 7 ships; contains 3 construction sites (merchant ships)

Level 4: Naval Shipyard

Can host 10 ships; contains 5 construction sites (warships)

Most of the ports can spend some resources to build additional space in port to let more ships dock at same time.
And there are luxury dock that were added when clans did it allow captain with big enought influence to dock on them (bonus space).

Important to notice is that even if port have 10 wet docks and 5 dry docks/construction sites port cant have 15 ships in at the same time, only 10 because that is max number for level 4 port.
Example: Cant have 10 in wet 5 on dry but it can have 5 wet and 5 dry or 10 wet.


When ships come on port, captain can go to tab "communication with port" (we will go about all options in helm of the ship in seperate lesson) and there will be 2 options:

1. Ask for docking permission

By clicking this captain will send request to HM to dock his ship
When/if HM accept it captain will have option to dock the ship in wet dock of the port.

2. Force dock

By clicking this captain will dock his ship without permission of HM and ship will incounter port deffences.

Also dry dock is safe place for ships, other ships cant attack you and you can repair your HP in them, also people on land cant see your ship in port if its on dry dock and no one cant enter it but people can get off it.

To move to dry dock you need to be in wet one first then sending request for repairs to HM, when HM accept you can move your ship to dry dock.
But getting it back to wet docks need to be done by HM.


Every port depending on level have cannons to defend from other ships.

Ports can only damage ships if they force dock

Port damage = (lvl of the port + 1) * 3 cannons * 0.66 damages

Level 1 = 6 x .66 = 3.96 (4)
Level 2 = 9 x .66 = 5.94 (6)
Level 3 = 12 x .66 = 7.92 (8 )
Level 4 = 15 x .66 = 9.90 (10)

Damage it will deal to ship that is forcing a dock is mostly luck of captain even if here say level 3 deal 8 HP it can do 4 and even barge can survive but it have low chance of happening.

More about damage in lesson about combat.

Next lesson will be about ship movment on opean sea and rivers. (sadly i cant do it right now because i am on my rl job and i dont have pictures to show you as examples so you can understand batter but i will try to do it tonight if my free time allows it)

Some future lessons will be about ship helm, basic naval combat, what make good captain and some navy organizations.
Also i wont speak about many tricks that are used in navy because you will get confused rly fast i will save that for advanced navy.

Hope all of you are having great day!

Sono felice di vedere così tante persone interessate e non timide in quanto a porre domande.

Rispondiamo ad alcune di esse:

1. Domanda: Qual'0è la differenza tra le vele da fiume, mare aperto e le vele quadrate/latine?

I nomi delle vele non esistono nel gioco e non vedrete mai questa informazione,
Dovreste solo ricordare che la chiatta è per i fiumi mentre le altre sono in mare aperto (ne capirete di più quando affronteremo l'argomento relativo ai movimenti navali)

2. Domanda: si sommano equipaggio e spazio?

No, lo spazio è la capacità massima di persone nella nave, non ne possono entrare di più.

Quindi significa che in una chiatta ci possono entrare 10 persone?
1 capitano + 1 membro dell'equipaggio + 8 passeggeri è corretto?

No, parliamo delle chiatte,

Le chiatte hanno spazio 8 ed hanno bisogno di 1 membro dell'equipaggio e naturalmente di un capitano.
quindi abbiamo 8 spazio - 1 capitano - 1 membro dell'equipaggio = la nave rimane con 6 posti disponibili per i passeggeri.

Questo è di vitale importanza se parliamo delle caracche da guerra in quanto ha spazio 10 ma per essere operativa al 100% necessita di 8 membri dell'equipaggio.
Quindi ha 10 spazio - 1 capitano - 8 membri dell'equipaggio = C'è spazio solamente per una persona in più.

Spero che sia tutto chiaro


I porti sono gli unici posti in cui le navi possono attraccare e la gente può imbarcarsi o scendere, ed è inoltre il luogo dove le navi vengono costruite.
I porti sono controllati dalla figura del ministro portuale (Traduzione incerta, prendetela con le pinze) a cui è stato affidato l'incarico dal concilio
del principato di appartenenza del porto.

Non tutti i porti sono uguali. Ci sono differenze levate al livello del porto.
Ci sono 4 livelli di porto e sono:

Livello 1: Porto naturale/Baia d'ormeggio

Può ospitare 2 navi. Non si può costruire.

Livello 2: Piccolo porto

Può ospitare 4 navi; contiene un cantiere per la costruzione di piccole navi

Livello 3: Cantiere navale

Può ospitare 7 navi; contiene 3 cantieri per la costruzione di navi mercantili

Livello 4: Arsenale

Può ospitare 10 navi; contiene 5 cantieri per la costruzione di navi da guerra

La maggioranza dei porti può utilizzare delle risorse per aggiungere slot aggiuntivi per poter ospitare più navi.
Ci sono anche slot di lusso bonus utilizzabili dai capitani membri di clan con sufficiente influenza.

Importante da tenere a mente è che anche se un porto ha 10 spazi e 5 cantieri non può avere 15 navi, solo 10 perchè questo è il limite per gli arsenali.
Esempio: Non si può avere 10 navi attraccate e 5 in cantieri, ma al massimo 5 attraccate e 5 in cantiere.


Quandouna nave è in prossimità di un porto, il capitano può accedere alla tab "Comunicazione col porto" (ne parleremo in modo più approfondito in una successiva lezione) ed avrà 2 opzioni:

1. Chiedere permesso di attraccare

Cliccando questa scelta il capitano farà richiesta di attracco al ministro portuale per ormeggiarela sua nave
Quando e se esso accetterà apparirà l'opzione per ormeggiare effettivamente.

2. Attracco forzato

Cliccando questa opzione il capitano ormeggierà la sua nave senza permesso del ministro navale e la nave affronterà le difese del porto.

I cantieri sono posti sicuri per le navi, le altre navi non possono attaccare ed è possibile far recuperare HP alla nave,
inoltre la gente a terra non potrà vedere la nave nè potrà salire o scendervi.

Per spostare la nave in un cantiere occorre prima che sia attraccata e poi chiedere permesso di riparazione al ministro navale,
quando accetta è possibile spostare la nave in cantiere.
Spostare la nave dal cantiere ad un ormeggio standard può essere fatto solo dal ministro navale.


Ogni porto ha in dotazione cannoni per difendersi dalle navi nemiche, e possiede un valore di difesa che deriva dal proprio livello.

I porti possono danneggiare le navi solo in caso di attracco forzato

Danno inflitto dal porto = (Livello del porto + 1) * 3 cannoni * 0.66 punti danno

Livello 1 = 6 x .66 = 3.96 (arrotondato a 4)
Livello 2 = 9 x .66 = 5.94 (arrotondato a 6)
Livello 3 = 12 x .66 = 7.92 (arrotondato a 8 )
Livello 4 = 15 x .66 = 9.90 (arrotondato a 10)

Il danno inflitto alle navi durante un attracco forzato non è sicuro, va a fortuna.
Ad esempio un porto di livello 3 può infliggere 8 punti danno ma anche 4 e perfino le chiatte possono sopravvivere, anche se è molto raro che accada.

Ci saranno maggiori informazioni nella lezione dedicata al combattimento.

Nella prossima lezione parleremo del movimenti navale in mare aperto e nei fiumi. (Purtroppo non posso occuparmene in questo momento perchè sto lavorando nella vita reale e non ho immagini da potervi mostrare come esempi per farvi capire meglio ma cercherò di occuparmene stanotte se il mio tempo libero me lo permetterà)

Alcune lezioni future tratteranno il timone, combattimento navale di base, cosa rende un capitano un buon capitano ed un po' di organizzazione militare.
Inoltre non menzionerò i vari trucchetti usati in marina perchè vi confonderebbero troppo, e li tengo per future lezioni avanzate.

Vi auguro una buona giornata!
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Messaggi : 133
Data d'iscrizione : 18.02.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMar Mag 07, 2019 1:17 pm

Per i ragazzi:
Il ministro portuale è il cdp, ovvero capo di porto. Il concilio di Stato è il Consiglio con i 12 eletti.

I cantieri per le costruzioni sono comunemente chiamati "carenaggio"

For the boys:
The port minister is the CDP, or chief of port. The State Council is the Council with the 12 elected.

Construction sites are commonly called "careening"
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Messaggi : 133
Data d'iscrizione : 18.02.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMar Mag 07, 2019 1:33 pm

Bravo Immortalone, non avevo dubbi sulla tua abilità.
Per favore puoi specificare l'argomento sulle Slot di lusso? Cosa cambia e se bisogna fornire oltre ad avere punti influenza, altri elementi (come ad esempio risorse, ducati ecc ..) per accedere a questo bonus. Per capirci, aumentano di 1 posto il porto?

Immortalone good, I had no doubts about your skill.
Please can you specify the topic on Luxury Slots? What changes and if we need to provide, besides having influence points, other elements (such as resources, ducats, etc.) to access this bonus. To understand, does the port increase by 1 berth?
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Admin Letyzia
Admin Letyzia

Messaggi : 386
Data d'iscrizione : 26.01.18
Età : 30

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMar Mag 07, 2019 1:47 pm

Buongiorno Immo,
i miei complimenti e grazie per essere qui.

Vorrei rispondere io alla domanda delle banchine di lusso, ma dimmi se è corretto.

La banchina di lusso si attiva solo quando il porto è pieno e se il Capitano ha i requisiti.
1 banchina di lusso si può avere disponibile nei porti di livello II e III
mentre 2 banchine di lusso si possono avere disponibili nei porti di livello IV.


Good morning Immo,
my compliments and thanks for being here.

I would like to answer the question of the luxury docks, but tell me if it is correct.

The luxury docks are only activated when the port is full and if the Captain has the requirements.
1 luxury quay you can have available in ports of level II and III
while 2 luxury docks may be available in level IV ports.
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Messaggi : 96
Data d'iscrizione : 05.01.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMar Mag 07, 2019 7:23 pm

-Excellent lessons, easy to understand. Thank you

-Ottime lezioni, semplici da capire. Grazie
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Messaggi : 14
Data d'iscrizione : 08.05.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMer Mag 08, 2019 10:53 am

Good morning,

I did not manage to do lesson last night but i got some pictures so i can do it now,
Luxury docks should work as Lety said but i had bad expiriance with those (we couldnt move ship from it without intervention of admins, not sure if its fixed but try to avoid them)

I will try to insert images in here if i fail try to fix it Very Happy i hate forums and i am prety stupid person for them. Embarassed

SHIP MOVMENT yey! cheers

As many of you should know by now people move 2 nodes a day or 3 if they have horse (duble pack) and move happens at 4am after server reset,
but ships are much much more difrent

This is the map we will be using most of the time (its not 100% correct)

On top of it you have "Navigation" that turn on navy map we will be using.

This is picture of danube
SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  3d36ab3c98e9aac12ba926cef2ec916e

Orange are normal nodes ships can move on and blue ones mark ports (mostly those are natural ports lvl 1)

This is pic of opean sea
SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Df86c538ee4efb9dc4d5a94c06325ad4

there is no orange squares but anywhere there is water on it you can move and where is orange squares it works same as danube normal squares where you can move also if there is port it will be blue on the map.

So as you have 1 move per day if you are walking but ships can have up to 10 moves so there are 10 navy resets and they happen every 2h and at night every 4h.

Crew dont need to do anything to move only action they have is fishing (and if they have fishnet they can get anywhere from 0-5 fish per day)
But captains need to do move betwin resets so ship move every turn.

Turn are happening like this (i am using my time for you can be difrent depending on your RL time)

Night turns as i said are 4h so:


and day turns are:


It does not matter at which moment captain click it just need to be betwin those two hours, for example captain can click 8:10 and ship will move at 10 or he can click 9:42 and ship will move at 10

To be able to move all 10 moves ship need to have full crew
example barge need 1 crew so captain give 5 moves and 5 moves that 1 crew
but for Battle carrack captain give 1 and he need 8 more people as crew to be able to move all 10 moves
if he have 7 for example he will have 8 moves
if he have 6 he will have 7 moves and so on.

Almost every ship action need 1 turn for example moving ship to wet dock in port.


SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  229692213cb4172d32aba8a721efdcb3
If he move mouse over next square and it shows GREEN that position is water and he CAN move there

SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  A9505f1a88eaa1e24203e177638e6ff9
If he move mouse over next square and its shows RED that is land and ship can NOT move there!

SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  C5a1ab1b391969b9241d2e58260eb463
if he move mouse over next square and its shows BLUE there is port and ship CAN also move there

SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Eb35827091745bfe2bc706502ea83ed8
going over square with ships on will show them like this and by clicking there there will be more informations on those ships.

Captain can only check fields/squares around his ship

I will go over all options you have on ship in later lections today we just talk about moving.

If you look at those pictures good you will notice there are arrows on squares those are marking of the wind!


Depending on wind and type of ship you are sailing will determen will your ship move that turn or not.

Wind have 2 propertys


Wind direction is simple direction of wind blowing for example NORTH or SOUTH or SOUTH-EAST
Wind power is strenght of that wind it goes from 0 to 4 for example 1/4 most comon wind then there is 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and there are squares without wind and those are 0/4

So your aim for moving on open sea is to move in direction of the wind and try to get on squares with strongest wind possible.
Stronger the WIND POWER Better chance to move even if wind is in oposit direction.

You dont have many options on river because its usualy just one line of squares you can go up and down but if you have wind in oposite direction you are moving you have better chance then moving with wind in you back (i know this isnt logical but thats how river work)

but we will talk about sea and sailing BC (battle carrack)

I will try to find you picture of % depending on wind direction but for now i will try to write it down

                NORTH (N)

100%        100%       100%

100%                         100%

80%          60%          80%

                 SOUTH (S)
(In this picture ship is looking N)

It looks bit confusing but its not rly hard, this is % of making good move with ships for sea like BC.
This is % with wind power 1/4 any stronger wind will just get you better chance of moving.
So you want your moves to go with direction of the wind and to get on stronger wind.

To make sure you get this i will ask you few simple examples and you will tell me what % you have to move later on we will do more complex questions.

For all 3 examples we are sailing BC (battle carrack)

1. example

Open sea
Wind direction: North
Wind power: 1/4

you want to move: North-east
What is your chance of doing so?

2. example

Open sea
Wind direction: South-East
Wind power: 1/4

you want to move North-West
What is your chance of doing so?

And for those who leason with a lot of atention example number 3, who gets it right first get 100 tokens. Dont be shy to try answering it!

3. example

Wind direction: North
Wind power: 1/4

You want to move  North
What is your chance of doing so?

I geuss you will have bounch of questions about this so fell free to ask them and i answer themm tonight.
Hope those pictures work Very Happy

edit letyzia
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Messaggi : 14
Data d'iscrizione : 08.05.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMer Mag 08, 2019 10:59 am

And ofc they dont work Very Happy
If i teach someone to sail ship he will need to teach me how to use forums hahahha
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Admin Letyzia
Admin Letyzia

Messaggi : 386
Data d'iscrizione : 26.01.18
Età : 30

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMer Mag 08, 2019 11:06 am

Immo ha scritto:
And ofc they dont work Very Happy
If i teach someone to sail ship he will need to teach me how to use forums hahahha


https://gyazo.com/eb35827091745bfe2bc706502ea83ed8 ---> No
https://i.gyazo.com/eb35827091745bfe2bc706502ea83ed8.png ---> Yes

You have to use the link with png
Now I correct your disaster
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Messaggi : 10
Data d'iscrizione : 05.05.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMer Mag 08, 2019 4:10 pm

Hello! Thanks for the lesson! It's really clear Smile
Let's give you my answer:
Example 1: 100% success
Example 2: 80% success
Example 3: 60% because on the River, things are different

Grazie per la lazione! È molto chiara.
Passiamo alle mie risposte:
Esempio 1: 100% successo
Esempio 2: 80% successo
Esempio 3: 60% perche nei fiumi le cose funzionano diversamente.
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MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMer Mag 08, 2019 6:52 pm

Thank you fer the lesson,

just a question: on a river the best boat to travel is a barge, bat along e river the barge will move better if the wind is in oposite direction I'm moving.
Is it correct?

Grazie per la lezione,
solo un chiarimento: la chiatta è la migliore imbarcazione per navigare su un fiume, ma su un fiume la chiatta si muoverà meglio se va in direzione opposta alla direzione del vento.
E' giusto?
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Messaggi : 133
Data d'iscrizione : 18.02.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMer Mag 08, 2019 10:02 pm

Let's see if I understand Immo:

1 Example - Nord/est
Northeast with north wind I have the maximum displacement

Has the ability to move 100%

2 Example - Sud/est
In the south / east I have a headwind and therefore I move less
Has the ability to move at 80%

3 Example - Nord

Has the ability to get married 100%


Vediamo se ho capito Immo

1 Esempio - Nord/Est

Ha la possibilità di spostarsi al 100%

2 Esempio Sud/est
Ha la possibilità di spostarsi al 80%

3 Esempio - Nord
Ha la possibilità di sposarsi al 100%
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Messaggi : 14
Data d'iscrizione : 08.05.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMer Mag 08, 2019 10:22 pm

Some answers:
green arrow is direction we want to move in and red is direction of wind.
those % are always the same and direciton of wind is always showing on 100%
i will try to expain it a bit better

Example number 1:

SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Bc2a333af60a90b8a4014004271075c9

So you are basicly following green one (direction you want to move)

so in example 1 we have 100% to move there

Example number 2:
SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  A6bc58da88ff15e5afe4d1cc57dfe44e

You tell me how much %?

Example number 3:

this is mostly trick question as i sad and Marian1 got it right river work oposite
so having wind in same direction as your direction of moving is worst thing to have on river.
if you are sailing BC as we do in this example you have very low to no chance to move, if you sail a barge you can maybe move but chance is still low.

Also Ezio i saw your post put that picture back Razz

If somoene have time change those links in pictures

edit letyzia
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Messaggi : 10
Data d'iscrizione : 05.05.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeMer Mag 08, 2019 11:47 pm

Example number 2 : will we move whit the100%? Cause's the SE wind gives us the 100%. Am i right?

Esempio numero 2: Ci muoveremo con il 100%? Perché il vendo da SE ci da il 100% di movimento, ho ragione?
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Messaggi : 14
Data d'iscrizione : 08.05.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeGio Mag 09, 2019 2:21 am

Wind direction is SE you are moving NW.

Wind is in red
You are moving in green
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Messaggi : 133
Data d'iscrizione : 18.02.19

MessaggioTitolo: Re: SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE    SEMINARIO SULLA NAVIGAZIONE  Icon_minitimeGio Mag 09, 2019 6:31 am

In example 2:

- If we consider a BC at sea
with south / east wind and north / west direction I move 60%

- If I consider the movements in the river, both BC and barge I will have the possibility of movement because contrary wind.


Nell'esempio 2:

- Se consideriamo una BC in mare
con vento sud / est e direzione nord / ovest mi sposto del 60%

- Se considero gli spostamenti in fiume, sia BC che chiatta avrò possibilità di movimento perchè vento contrario.


Ultima modifica di ezi0 il Gio Mag 09, 2019 8:28 pm - modificato 2 volte.
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